11:20 PM

Ladies and Gents! Finally... KATAMARI!

I'm gonna say it right now, this was probably the single most painful creation as of late. Not only was I working with a smaller hook that I'm used to, I had to redo this due to my own stupidity. Still, I've been vowing to make this darn thing since forever, and I finally got it done! I'm so proud of myself! The carpel-tunnel is telling me otherwise, but just LOOK at it in all its glory! It's a KATAMARI. So awesome. So made of win.

Considering this is the second thing I've ever crocheted, I'm quite proud of it! There's obviously a few things I'd fix here; some of the spacing isn't nearly as nice as I would've wanted it to be. I think what I'm going to do next time is instead of following the instructions on the nubs, I'm going to put the two halves together first and then place the nubs along the seam. Secondly, I'm putting in the magnets next time. I should've bought expensive magnets like the instructions said, but go figure, I'm not the brightest bulb on the planet. That and I'm perpetually broke.

If anyone wants me to make one for them, I'm more than willing to! The only catch is that you're gonna have to buy the magnets yourself, those are not the cheapest thing on the planet. That and I'm gonna need a little bit of a break first to fend off the carpel-tunnel in my hands. Ow... ow... ow...