10:55 PM

My Personal J-Pop Takeover

I'm a musician first and foremost, despite the fact that the majority of my posts so far have something to do with knitting and crocheting. What can I say? I'm sitting here filling out semester transfer applications while bored out of my mind. I try, nay, NEED to keep myself preoccupied some way.

But every night I sit down and while reading through MyLifeIsAverage, listen to some of my favorite J-Pop/J-Rock. Now don't get me wrong, I'm classically trained. I love getting to sing opera. I love being able to perform some of the best opera overtures known to man (Il Guarany? Andrea Chenier? Anyone?) "Defying Gravity" gave me chills all over my body when I went to see Wicked. But I can't ignore my inherent Asian-ness. So here's my top five choices in songs as of late. This list, I guarantee you, will change in the next month entirely.

Red Faction by MELL
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